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Chamber Board Endorses R-12’s Proposition S on April 4th Ballot


The board of directors of the Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce voted to endorse Proposition S, the Springfield Public Schools bond issue on the April 4th ballot that would provide $220 million for school improvements throughout the district prioritized by a citizen-led task force, the Community Task Force on Facilities.  

The no-tax increase to the debt service levy measure will fund multiple projects including safety and security upgrades at all school facilities, new construction for Pipkin and Reed middle schools, renovation of Pershing School and construction of storm shelters at a number of elementary schools. The state provides no direct funding for buildings and facilities, so local property taxes are the primary funding source for schools to make major capital improvements. 

“Proposition S is a continuation of specific investments in projects prioritized with citizen input, with a track record of ‘progress as promised’ on previous projects, and it is aligned with the district’s strategic plan,” said Chamber board chairman Joselyn Baldner. “There is accountability and transparency in this proposal which is vitally important to the business community.”  

Evaluation of the measure followed a member-driven process which included review by the Chamber’s Local Issues Task Force, prior to the board taking it up for consideration. “Quality learning environments are essential to both student success and our ability to attract and retain talent in the region, including teachers.” said Chamber Chair-Elect Brian Hammons, who also serves on the task force. “The R-12 school district is a key element of workforce development for the region.” 

In 2019, the Chamber also endorsed Proposition S on the ballot which provided $168 million in funding for 39 prioritized building improvements throughout the school district. 

To access educational information from the district about the projects included in Proposition S, click here.

To learn more from the citizen-driven Yes on S campaign to support Proposition S, click here.


Paid for by Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce - Matt Morrow, President, PO Box 1687, Springfield MO 65801

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