Newly-elected legislators converge on Springfield

The Chamber along with the other eight organizations that make up the Springfield Metro Partnership hosted 45 newly-elected legislators this month in an effort to build on the strong relationship between the Springfield community and state lawmakers.
The legislators were visiting Springfield as part of a legislative tour around the state designed to familiarize legislators with areas outside their own districts.
Broadcasting a message of cooperation and growth, leaders from several of the Metro Partnership organizations spoke to the group on education, quality of life and economic development. Despite the diversity of interests among the nine organizations, the common goal was the same – establish Springfield's reputation as a major contributor to the state economy.
At the dinner, more than 60 members of the Springfield community were on hand to host the visiting legislators and answer their questions. For the Chamber, hosting the visiting lawmakers was the first of what will be many contacts throughout the legislative session in which the Chamber’s Legislative Advocacy team will represent the interests of Springfield area employers and lobby for issues that will improve Missouri’s business climate.